Let Me Send Twenty Rupees More Please

Police jokes in English, sardar jokes in English, Funniest jokes ever, Mosquito jokes in English, Best ever jokes, Beast money jokes ever
police jokes, sardar jokes, mother jokes, funniest jokes

Sardar Joke

A Sardar mistakenly sent a hundred rupees mobile balance to someone mobile phone. Sardar sent a message 'Dear brother, I mistakenly sent a hundred rupees balance to your mobile phone number, please return it.' The person replied; but I got seventy-five rupees only, not a hundred rupees. Sardar replied; Sorry, let me send you twenty rupees more, please.

Police Joke

Police officer to a person: What is your mother's tongue?
Person: None.
Police officer: Why?
Person: Because she is a deaf woman.

Laughing Joke

Ten people were beating to a Sardar but Sardar was laughing. Someone asked, why are you still laughing while we are beating you? Sardar replied; because you thought I am George that is why you are beating me, but I am not George, I am Michael.

Mosquito Joke

Try to understand me. Don't tease me. Leave me alone. Because of you, I was very disturbed last night. Don't play with my life. A girl was talking to a mosquito.

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