Smoker Joke
Patient: I have had chest pain for two weeks.
Doctor: Do you smoke?
Patient: Yes, thank you. Please tell your assistant to bring gold leaf brand cigarettes because I don't like cigarettes from other brands.
Palmist Joke
Girl (to a palmist): Tell me about my current year, how it will be?
Palmist: You will become a married woman.
Girl: I got two proposals - one from Johnny and one from George. Who would be the lucky person?
Palmist: The lucky person would be George because your marriage will be settled with Johnny.
Miser Joke
A miser lived on the third floor of the building. One day his wife was making noodles. She asked her husband; to please bring clothes off from the eighth floor. Miser man went to the eighth floor for bringing clothes back but fell from the eighth floor. When he was falling and reached his third floor, he saw his kitchen window and shouted with a totter, don't make noodles for me. It will be wasted.
Friend Joke
Johnny: Yesterday I was beaten up by five guys in the market.
Friend: What have you done?
Johnny: I abused them with no reason and I told them if you have the courage then come; one by one.
Friend: Then what happened after that?
Johnny: I was beaten up by "one by one."