A Kindhearted Women and A Small Question

A Kindhearted Women and A Small Question Joke, Jokes In English, Naughty Boy Jokes, Mother Jokes In English, Best Mother Jokes
A Kindhearted Women Joke

Mother Joke

Pappu: Father, why does mom close her eyes when she sings a song?
Father: Because your mom is so kindhearted.
Pappo: How?
Father: It is challenging for people to listen and bear your mom's voice; they are terrified to listen to your mom's song. Your mom does not see this pain, so she closes her eyes.

Spinning the Mind Joke

A small question:
If you are walking and reach someplace, your bicycle gets punctured, you think to change your motorbike tire, and there is no barbershop, how can you repair your shoes?

Naughty Boy Joke

Naughty boy (in a telephone conversation): Hello! Do you have a television in your home?
Girl: Yes, I have, but who are you?
Naughty boy: Is the television running fine?
Girl: Yes.
Naughty boy: Hold it tightly; otherwise, it can be skedaddled (run away).
Girl: Hanged up.
After a while
Naughty boy (in a telephone conversation): Hello! Do you have a television in your home?
Girl: Angrily, No! I don't have a television.
Naughty boy: I have told you to hold it tightly; otherwise, it can be skedaddled. See, it's done.

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