What is Nitrate - Funny Jokes

Sardar funny jokes, Short funny jokes, Joke of the day, Sardar and Friend Joke, Doctor Joke, Chemistry Joke, Classroom jokes

Chemistry Joke

In the chemistry class, the teacher asked a girl, what is Nitrate?

Girl: Night Rate is five hundred dollars exclusive from the hotel charges.

Sardar Joke

Sardar has written a wedding invitation letter to his friend. But the friend did not come. When he met with him on another occasion, Sardar asked his friend why you did not come to the wedding, despite I sent an invitation letter to you?

Friend: I did not receive any invitation letter, that's why I could not come.

Sardar: But I wrote in a letter you have to come even if you
could not receive this letter.

Sardar and Friend Joke

Friend to Sardar: Dude, what is the meaning of "hmm" and which people use this word?

Sardar: It means "OK or Yes". Uneducated people use this word.

Friend: Are you Educated?

Sardar: Hmm.

Doctor Joke

Child: Doctor uncle, can you pull out teeth with no pain?

Doctor: No, there is a little pain that can happen.

Child: But my grandma pulls her all teeth with no pain.

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