Sardar Fell From Eiffel Tower - Very Funny Joke

very funny jokes, sardar jokes, boy friend girl friend joikes

Sardar Joke

First Sardar: Dude when I was a kid, I fell down from Eiffel tower.
Second Sardar: Oh my God! so you died or lived?
First Sardar: I didn't remember because I was a kid at that time.

Exemplary Joke

A man was going in the street while heavy rain. A girl came and offer him to come under her umbrella but the man replied: No thank you, sister.
Moral: there is no moral and the story was no instructive and exemplary. Wait! there was man's wife coming behind him.

Boyfriend Joke

Boy Friend: You know honey about my salary, how you will manage?
Girl Friend: I'll manage somehow but you need to think about how you could manage? 

Grandpa Joke

Grandpa: Your teachers coming because you are not going to school for a week.
Johnny: Then you should need to hide because I am on leaves for my grandpa's death.

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