Answer 1
The lips and eyes were upside down in these pictures. Turn the pictures upside down (inverted) and see the magic.

Answer 2
This T-shirt has 8 holes because the question does not define which holes. One with the neckline, two are with sleeves, one with the bottom of the T-shirt, and four holes with the middle.

Answer 3
The word "spot" is written twice in this image while there is no error in the alphabets below.

Answer 4
Did you think it was very easy to find the correct answer? Of course, Line A is longer. it obvious, right? Well, not for everybody. We just wanted to examine your conformity. The influence of conformity can be wondrous. The same phenomenon can be illustrated with jokes if you are in a group of people when somebody tells a joke that everybody finds funny, you will laugh too if you don't get it or don't think it's funny. Well, maybe not you, but 75% of people do so.

Answer 5
A newborn baby can be seen in this painting.

Answer 6
You completed the test if you noticed the hidden bird on the tree. Now you can name this tree suitably.

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